Frank T. Morano is a seeker of wisdom who studied the world and had extraordinary experiences. He lived in Asia and Europe and in five American states, and had the good fortune to meet and learn from famous icons of our time. He has been an electrician, a cab driver, an organic farmer, a photographer, an artist, a poet, a teacher, a radio personality, and a chef. He believes that borrowed knowledge is useful, but the experience of living among people in foreign lands, adapting to their cultures, and taking new paths and journeys is unsurpassed. He documented his life with original drawings, paintings, sculptures, poetry, and photography, capturing moments in his dance with life, across continents and cultures, as a teacher, a traveler, and a student. He lives in Florida with his wife, Rena, and their sons, Ananda and Vajra, where he plants trees and devotes himself to the Free Tibet movement.
You may contact the author by email at thedharmajournal@gmail.com